Monday, August 31, 2009

The Healing Tree

The lights give off a fluorescent hum
As sirens wail in the distance
Heavy humidity presses against my lungs
Joined with the pressure of every day life.
My mind is saturated with knowledge of nothing
And my heart empty and desiring something;
Something which I cannot find from where I am.

Here it is.
My Healing Tree.
The place of truth among the cemented century
Where promise of nature and nature’s creator still grow
The leaves purify my breaths and thoughts
And soothes my young and weary soul.
It grows despite the wayward world
And pushes on despite criticism.

Oh that I were the tree in the courtyard,
The roots off all that is forgotten and solid as my feet
And the branches of love and eternity as my arms
With the wind and Word blowing through my leaves
That reflect the color of heaven.

1 comment:

  1. I love this, Katie! Especially the last stanza. That imagery is so exciting. :)
