Friday, May 1, 2009

I believe...

I believe
that the world was created by "intelligent design"
but "intelligent" is such an understatement.
Glorious, Wonderful, Holy.
I believethat this "intelligent" designer also designed a man and a woman
that was my downfall
but he also designeda man as "intelligent" as he
in the most amazing "intelligent" sacrifice
saved me
from my sins and imperfections.
This designer created me, dirty, sinful, imperfect
to be beautiful...His very own daughter
if only I accept my place in His kingdom.
This "intelligent" man
who is limited to scientific theory
who is downplayed to relate to a religion that people rebuke
who is forgotten as we live our happy little sinful lives on this intelligently designed earth
still loves us.
Who are we to limit God? Who are we to put Him in a box, and limit his powers to theories so that we as stupid humans can understand Him?
Who are we to say that God has to follow these Laws of man?
Who are we to say that God HAS to love us? God HAS to forgive us? God HAS to create a happy little world where there is no hell and no heaven and everyone just lives happily ever after? that God HAS to forgive everyone who doesnt believe in Him just because they're good people? God HAS to save me and my fallen friends because if He doesnt well then He just doesnt exist! God HAS to make my life perfect! I said I believed in Him, so why do I still hurt? Why did He fail me?

Who are we to say that God owes us anything?

Who are we to believe that we deserve God? Freedom? Happiness?

In all honest truth, we deserve nothing.

We deserve to die. That's our punishment for sin.

Yet this "Intelligent designer" made a path for us to achieve all that we do not deserve.

Yes, it's sad that not all good people go to heaven. But they had a choice at some point, I can guarantee it. They chose to ignore the signs, or not listen to someone.

It's not like we deserve to have a choice of forgiveness anyway.

God doesnt HAVE to do anything. HE knows it, I forget it.
God doesnt HAVE to love me, but He does. More than anything I know God loves me.

This God who doesnt do enough justice for the world, who lets murderers live and rapists rape and kidnappers win and babies die and terrrorists succeed--does justice on me everyday. I feel convictions burning in my heart everyday, and that's justice in my life. But those people I listed, murderers rapists... they'll find their justice.

"For I, the Lord, love justice.
I hate robbery and wrongdoing.
I will faithfully reward my people for their suffering
and make an everlasting covenant with them."
Isaiah 62.8

If that's not justice, I dont know what is.

For me, it's very simple.

This "intelligent designer" that I believe in,
who created the world and everything surrounding it
who is massive and righteous and powerful and eternal
seeks "justice"

and that's all I need.

I believe
that the world was created by "intelligent design"
and nothing can shake me.

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