Wednesday, April 1, 2009

say hello to fame

ladies and gents, this lowly girl is now a PUBLISHED AUTHOR!!


well, okay, i've been published twice before, but this time i got money for it!
according to the letter, i got top ten out of thousands of entries, for this poem I wrote about artists! haha, now i know what to write about.

note to self, when submitting something to someone, write about something those someones can relate to.

That is my advice. Now that I am oh so wise and published.
teehee =)

Along with my letter of good joy about being published, I recieved my acceptance and scholarship letter from HBU. That was pretty exciting!!
Now as for those who do not know, I am still officially undecided.
But that doesnt mean i really am.
No, I havent decided.
But i'm tilting.

moving on to the subject of deciding colleges, it's taken me alot of prayer, reading, and time alone to get me to where i am. To comfort those who care, I'm just trying to make the best decision according to what God wants for me. Since I've never been recieving flashing neon signs pointing out the answers, I'm waiting till I'm sure.

And i'm not announcing anything until i'm sure. =)

next, let's move on to what I'm reading.
The Bible.
Yep, that's pretty much it.
I just recently started reading Ecclesiastes.
Random? Yes.
But I realized that I've never actually read anything from there so I thought I'd give it a try.
Ironically, it's making me slightly depressed.
The first two chapters really are about how meaningless life is... why work so hard just so that when you die, you have to give it to someone who didnt work hard for it?
Why depend on material possessions anyway, if we're just going to die?
Really, it's quite depressing.
First emo book.
BUT it's all true, because what i get out of it is that wisdom cannot be achieved through things or experience, but through the pursuance of God and the passion to be god-like. Then our inheritance is the wisdom that wisdom doesn't make a person better, it just makes them know more things about the world. Being Christ-like re-creates a person. I guess it's making a 'better person' but it's taking that old person, crucifying them, and creating a whole new human who has a passion for Christ. True wisdom comes from that experience. The wise are those who have been reborn. There is no reward for working hard, for having several material possessions, or even for being wise, but there is the greatest reward for pursuing God's heart and living to be like Him and honor Him.

The hardest thing to do is to make the right decision to do what honors God the most.
What makes it harder is that somethings vary from person to person.

A well known example of this is dating. Many friends of mine think that it would be dishonoring to God if they started a relationship with someone. But I know that I am not dishonoring God by dating Riley. Note: what i mean by 'honoring' and 'dishonoring' is 'respecting.' e.g. i am honoring God's will by not dating/dating. But it also goes with the other definition, which means a reverence or respect. Through my relationship, i have learned what it means to honor God even more. Surely, my relationship is not dishonorable!

Well, I will end my spiel for now.
Have a good life!


  1. I loved reading Ecclesiastes :)
    Currently, I'm on Job.

  2. Oh, Congrats about HBU :)
    I am glad you put the thing about Riley.
    For others that read this it will certainly clear things up.

    I love you Katie!
